Namsan Trail Turtle Walk-A-Thon with Foreign Tourists > 공지사항

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Namsan Trail Turtle Walk-A-Thon with Foreign Tourists

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일14-08-14 18:44 조회23,119회 댓글0건



Take a Walk along Seoul’s Symbolic Namsan Trail!
Hankook Ilbo Invites Foreign Tourists to Join in the Fun at the Turtle Marathon

August 24, 07:40am at the Cultural Square of the National Theater of Korea

Put on your walking shoes and come join us on Sunday, Aug 24 for a leisurely stroll along Namsan Trail. Located in the heart of the city, Namsan Mountain?along with Hangang River?is one of the main tourist attractions in Seoul. Despite its low altitude of only 265m, Namsan is characterized by the geographical aesthetics typical of Korean mountains and holds within its folds an array of historical and cultural treasures.

Some of these hist

The 442nd Turtle Marathon held on August 24 will run under the theme “Namsan Trail Walk-A-Thon with Foreign Tourists”. Participants will start off by meeting at the National Theater of Korea and proceed along the north circular route towards Seonggwak-gil (a fortress wall along the road), giving walkers a panoramic view of the city. The August event not only gives tourists a chance to interact with the locals, but is also a more active approach to enjoying Seoul’s natural ambience, cultural heritage, and historical depth.

Once the trail walk is completed, there will be a sweepstakes event with Korea’s renowned celebrity emcee Lee Sang-Yong (nationally known as Popeye) as the main host. With the beautiful 2014 Miss Korea Pageant contestants in attendance, this gift giveaway promises to be a fun-filled event not to be missed.

Since there is no prior registration nor any fees required to attend this event, anyone interested in joining the event can simply show up in comfortable walking attire.

Start your day the healthy way and join Korean locals for this unique opportunity to experience Namsan’s breathtaking natural environment first-hand.

Please direct further inquiries to:
Hankook Ilbo Media Strategy Team: 02)724-2613~7


Date: August 24th, 2014 / Starting Time @ 08:00am (Rendezvous by 07:40am)

Location: National Theater of Korea (Namsan)

Total Distance: 7km (Namsan Circular Route)

Course Outline: National Theater of Korea → Namsan North Circular Route →
            Castle-Wall Trail → Namsan South Circular Route →
            National Theater of Korea

Refreshments: Nongshim's Tea's Tea Hongcha Classic



15 minute walk from Dongguk Univ. Station (Line 3), Exit No.

Contact Us: Hankook Ilbo Media Strategy Team (02-724-2613~7)

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